
SWEDEN: Less than 500 of more than 163,000 illegal alien Muslim invaders found a job in 2015

Only 494 asylum seekers out of 163,000 who arrived in Sweden in 2015 managed to secure a job, local media reported, citing migration officials. The rest of them prefer to collect welfare benefits. Using figures from Sweden’s employment agency Arbetsförmedlingen and migration authorities Migrationsverket, SVT reported on Tuesday that 494 asylum seekers who arrived in 2015 have… Continue reading SWEDEN: Less than 500 of more than 163,000 illegal alien Muslim invaders found a job in 2015


Qatar: The World’s Wealthiest Family-Run Gas Station

Many people describe Qatar’s treatment of expatriate laborers on World Cup sites as “modern day slavery.” Some 1,200 workers have already died and, according to warnings, up to 4,000 could perish before World Cup begins.”The fact that thousands must die to build 12 fine stadiums for us has nothing to do with football,” said William… Continue reading Qatar: The World’s Wealthiest Family-Run Gas Station


Estados Unidos: en una biblioteca pública negaron el derecho de Israel a existir 

David Swindell escribe en The Algemeiner que en una biblioteca pública de la ciudad de Columbia, Misuri, Estados Unidos, se llevó a cabo un evento para dar voz a “Los exiliadospalestinos”, donde se negó el derecho de Israel a existir.El evento, organizado por un grupo llamado “Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation (Movimiento de Reconciliación de Mid-Missouri)”,… Continue reading Estados Unidos: en una biblioteca pública negaron el derecho de Israel a existir 


Sweden: Is Islam Compatible with Democracy?

Part I of a Series: The Islamization of Sweden It is not a secret that democracy can be used to abolish democracy.It may have finally begun to dawn on the people that Swedish Sweden will soon be lost forever, and in many areas replaced by a Middle Eastern state of affairs, where different immigrant groups… Continue reading Sweden: Is Islam Compatible with Democracy?


La France n’a toujours pas compris que l’islam veut sa mort 

L’islam ne doit pas bénéficier d’un traitement de faveur et de privilèges de la part de la République qui à chaque fois qu’elle lui concède une parcelle de terrain, c’est un pan entier de son pouvoir qui s’écroule jusqu’à ce qu’il ait fini par lui porter le coup de grâce et la liquéfier. C’est un… Continue reading La France n’a toujours pas compris que l’islam veut sa mort 


CAIR’s Dawud Walid: Civil Rights Champion or Radical Hiding in the Open?

On March 25 of this year, Dawud Walid (left), executive director of Michigan’s CAIR chapter, posted in Facebook, urging Muslims not to “encourage infidels” by wishing Christians a “Happy Easter.” This kind of thinking leads to attacks such as the stabbing murder this year of Asad Shah (right) in Glasgow, Scotland, who was killed by… Continue reading CAIR’s Dawud Walid: Civil Rights Champion or Radical Hiding in the Open?


Europe: Allah Takes over Churches, Synagogues

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul was the grandest cathedral in the Christian world, until it was captured and converted to a mosque by the Muslim Ottoman Turks in 1453. The Middle East is full of churches and synagogues turned into Islamic sites. Today, every traveler in a modern European city can notice the new mosques… Continue reading Europe: Allah Takes over Churches, Synagogues


Deutschland: Christliche Flüchtlinge von Muslimen verfolgt

Vertreter der NGO Open Doors präsentieren, zusammen mit anderen NGOs, den Open Doors Report “Religiös motivierte Angriffe auf christliche Flüchtlinge in Deutschland” an einer Pressekonferenz, Mai 2016. Vorfälle werden absichtlich heruntergespielt und sogar vertuscht.” Tausende Christen in deutschen Flüchtlingsunterkünften werden von Muslimen, manchmal sogar von den Sicherheitskräften verfolgt, gemäss einem neuen Bericht der NGO Open… Continue reading Deutschland: Christliche Flüchtlinge von Muslimen verfolgt


Le Vrai Grief des Arabes contre les Juifs

En mai 1948, la Légion Arabe de Jordanie a expulsé les 2000 juifs qui vivaient dans la vieille ville Jérusalem, et a transformé le quartier juif en un amas de décombres. Aujourd’hui encore, le monde arabe n’accepte pas le concept d’un Etat juif, quelle que soit sa forme ou sa taille. Même l’Egypte et la… Continue reading Le Vrai Grief des Arabes contre les Juifs