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Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam

Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam Per il sole che c’infiamma, per la pioggia che ci sferza, Per la lotta senza macchia e con prodezza, Noi Ti lodiamo. Per la fame che tormenta, per la sete che dissecca, Quando… Continue reading Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam


Speech by Geert Wilders at the “Europe of Nations and Freedom” Conference

Hello Germany. Is everything alright? I’m doing well. Yesterday a new America, today Koblenz and tomorrow a new Europe!It’s really a great honor for me to be here today in the beautiful city of Koblenz, at a meeting of the ENF Group, in the presence of so many German patriots.And what you stand for is… Continue reading Speech by Geert Wilders at the “Europe of Nations and Freedom” Conference


Europe’s Jihad against Israel

Resolution 2334 was as sickening a surrender to the Arab-Muslim jihad in the name of “peace,” as was the surrender of UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to Adolf Hitler at Munich in September 1938.The UN before 1967 did not refer to the West Bank and Gaza as “occupied” territories when they were “occupied” by Egypt… Continue reading Europe’s Jihad against Israel


Pope Francis Strengthens Palestinian Refusal to End Hostilities with Israel

By opening the Palestinian embassy during this critical time of intensified anti-Israel animosity, was the Pope justifying the Palestinian-Arab attempt to isolate the Jewish State and to impose on it unacceptable conditions of surrender through international pressure?Unfortunately, Pope Francis’s papacy has been marked by a long list of anti-Israel gestures which did not advance the… Continue reading Pope Francis Strengthens Palestinian Refusal to End Hostilities with Israel


El legado de Obama en Oriente Medio, un trágico fracaso

Oriente Medio es un lugar más peligroso después de los ocho años de Presidencia Obama. Los ocho desastrosos años de Obama siguieron a los ocho desastrosos años de Bush, durante los cuales esa parte del mundo también se volvió más peligrosa. Ha ocurrido lo mismo en otras zonas calientes del planeta. En resumidas cuentas, en… Continue reading El legado de Obama en Oriente Medio, un trágico fracaso

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Germany’s New Propaganda Bureau

A married couple, Peter and Melanie M., were prosecuted and convicted in July 2016 of creating a Facebook group that criticized the government’s migration policy. Also, in July 2016, 60 people suspected of writing “hate speech” online had their homes raided by German police. None of the above seems to be enough, however, for the… Continue reading Germany’s New Propaganda Bureau


Ist Toleranz eine Einbahnstraße?

Wenn so gut wie jedes andere Magazin der freien Welt die Werte der freien Meinungsäußerung und das Recht der Karikatur, zu beleidigen, nicht verteidigt, wer könnte dann von einer Gruppe von Karikaturisten und Schriftstellern, die bereits einen so hohen Preis bezahlt haben, erwarten, diese Freiheitswerte alleine hochzuhalten?Die meisten Leute, die sagten, dass sie sich um… Continue reading Ist Toleranz eine Einbahnstraße?


Arabia Saudí no acoge ni un solo refugiado a pesar de contar con un campamento equipado para más de tres millones de personas 

El rey Salmán se niega a acoger refugiados sirios e iraquíes a pesar de que dispone junto a La Meca de 100.000 lujosas tiendas de campaña, con aire acondicionado individual, que solo se ocupan unos días al año en la Hajj o peregrinación anual. La decisión del monarca saudí es tanto más grave por cuanto… Continue reading Arabia Saudí no acoge ni un solo refugiado a pesar de contar con un campamento equipado para más de tres millones de personas 


Die Fatah der Hamas und die Kein-Staaten-Lösung

Während der Feierlichkeiten zum 52. Jahrestag der Gründung der Fatah in Ramallah erklärteder Präsident der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde (PA) Mahmud Abbas, 2017 werde das “Jahr der internationalen Anerkennung des Staates Palästina” werden. Abbas, der die jüngste Anti-Siedlungs-Resolution 2334 des UN-Sicherheitsrats begrüsste, sagte, er sei zur Zusammenarbeit mit der neuen Regierung Donald Trumps bereit, “um Frieden in… Continue reading Die Fatah der Hamas und die Kein-Staaten-Lösung


THE ‘New Sheriff’ isn’t even in town yet and designated terrorist group CAIR is whining about U.S. Border agents cracking down on Muslims trying to enter the U.S.

Customs and Border Protection agents have been intensively questioning Muslims at U.S. border crossings about their political and religious beliefs, as well as asking for their social media information, and demanding passwords to open mobile phones, according to a set of complaints filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). In one case, a 23-year old American citizen… Continue reading THE ‘New Sheriff’ isn’t even in town yet and designated terrorist group CAIR is whining about U.S. Border agents cracking down on Muslims trying to enter the U.S.